Cakes 'n More by Valerie

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I'm not usually the type of person who uses a lot of pre-made ingredients in my cooking. Vegetables generally go in fresh especially with foods that such as garlic that once cut quickly lose their ACSO (alkyl-L-cysteine-sulfoxide) which gives it that garlicky flavour that you want. Which is why don't buy the pre-chopped kind in the little glass jar on the shelf.

Until this crazy twist of fate came down upon me. There I was, in the grocery store looking for a nice fresh bulb of garlic but of the 10 bulbs that were on the shelf all I could find were bulbs that were already blooming or not worthy of consumption (at least not in my books). So, I decided to try Toppits Garlic Cubes. They're these little frozen cubes of chopped garlic that you can easily plunk into just about anything you like. As the little cubes heat up they disperse their garlicky flavour throughout the dish and unlike the jar variety they still have most of their flavour in tact.


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